
Welcome to my portfolio, a collection of my work from my second quarter children’s literature class at Whatcom Community College. Here you will find evidence of my learning this quarter as I have studied different topics in children’s literature.

I did not set out to have a theme in my studying, but a theme seemed to come to me. As you will see from the various writings in this portfolio, I settled into an overarching idea of personal scholarship this quarter. Perhaps this seems overly simplistic, but it has become a mantra of mine. I made the learning and the material my own. I did not rely on other people’s minds to the degree that I have in the past. Instead I turned to my own thoughts to have my “aha” moments.

Because I did this class as a learning contract, I was a bit removed from the “class” context I had been used to. Some of my thinking and writing is reminiscent of that. I spent the beginning of the quarter wrestling through my feelings of aloneness. The second half of the quarter shifted to what I could draw from my reading and my personal reading habits. I moved my thinking from the theory behind my learning to real life learning through books.

My hope for you, dear reader, is that as you browse through my portfolio you will see the journey of a student who went through a great transformation this quarter. I changed from a timid girl who did not have courage to voice her own thoughts to one who learned how to listen to herself and be proud of what she had to say. I hope that you see scholarship as well as play. I hope I have adequately communicated my passion for and interest in children’s literature.

Please use the menu bar above to navigate through my portfolio. Enjoy!

With love, I dedicate this portfolio to my mama.
Thanks for reading and learning with me this quarter.
You are the best mum/busy/bea I could ever ask for. 
"Her children rise up and call her blessed."

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