Angel Post #1

This was one of my first contributions to the discussion forums this quarter. I had been a bit concerned with some of the posts that my classmates had written. I wanted to move away from heavy analysis toward a playful, imaginative discussion. This post flowed from that, and I was happy with the way that our class did shift towards play as the quarter went on.


Reading as Children or Adults?

I was wondering as I read the discussions in our forums you all think you read "Tar Baby" with a childlike mind or with a more analytical cap? The first time I read through the two versions I found myself trying to analyze each word choice, placement of dialogue, and symbolism. The second time, though, I read with a more childlike mind. I simply read the two stories to enjoy them. I am finding out about myself that I prefer to allow myself to read the story without trying to analyze each detail...I am also finding that when I read simply to enjoy the story I learn more that way. I think less about reading into things that aren't there and more into what lessons come to mind as I read and when I am finished. I am also finding for myself that being critical and scholarship are two different things. A lot of scholarship can come out of my reading just for enjoyment!

I am curious about do you read children's literature?
(I am also curious to see how this may or may not change throughout the quarter).

RE: Reading as Children or Adults?

I am definately trying to read this from an adults standpoint, but now that you've brought it to my attention I'll try to read it with a more childlike state of mind, because I'm having a hard time being able to understand some of the words and also some of the atttitutes of the characters. Maybe this will make it easier.


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